Monday, February 25, 2008

Udder-ly Ridiculous!

Please hang in there with me on this one... If you are offended by the word "breast" then don't bother to read any further!

In my efforts to research and plan ahead on everything that I could possibly need to know about being a new Mom, comes the topic of breast feeding. Seeing as I will be going back to work a few months after the birth, I needed to figure out what my options are. One option is to not breast feed at all. The other is try it out and see how far you get with it. I know my girlfriends have all done it and made it look easy enough, plus all the research in regards to the health of the baby, etc. etc. I'm sure I can pull it off! Not to mention the money you save in formula if you can do it. I came to the conclusion that I would definately need a "Breast Pump"...

Now my research starts with the breast pump. So I'm not "Super" High-Maintenance, I do consider myself needing "Maintenance" of some degree, but I am not about to use a hand pump! It reminds me of a farmers duty at 5am, like I could wake my husband up and say "Hey babe, its time for my milking!" Sorry......Not for me.

I decided, I must have an electric pump. Now here it gets even better, you actually have a choice between one pump or a machine with dual pumps! I cant even imagine a baby on one side, but now to imagine both boobs working side-by-side like teammmates... just to feed one little baby? Nows thats efficiency! Whoever created this thing must have had a business degree from somewhere, at a minimum, then he had to have a minor in Female Psychology because you know he had to convince a woman to actually try the damn thing out. I couldnt even imagine!

Upon initial research I found the "Medela"model to cost around $250-$300. Thats crazy! now who's saving on buying formula? Not me.... $250 to be "Milked" Yikes... So one of my friends gave me her Medela breast pump. But its only the machine, no parts included. It looks like a large black leather purse and you unzip the side to reveal an on/off switch, some gauges, a place to stick a small hose and an outlet for an AC Adapter to plug into the wall. Now at this point I must have looked like a deer in the headlights (No pun intended) because I have no idea what parts I need, are missing or where the hell to get them.

Long story short, I managed to get on a thread on, was directed to a website that dealt primarily with missing parts for the "Medela". So 1 week and $41.00 later, I had to tear the box out of my husbands hands, as he thought it was yet another garage part he ordered. I was finally in posession of what would allow me to psuedo-feed my son while I'm away at work in about 6 months.

You should have seen this! I was like a little kid putting together a science project, with twisty parts and rubbler flappy things... I had the computer on the kitchen counter looking up the operating manual and plastic parts that would one day attach to my chest in my hand. But I managed... I was ready to plug it in and then I thought to myself "How am I going to know if it's actually making suction?" I was not about to stick it on my chest...I am really not ready to go there yet. So I held the suction end to my belly and turned it on... I had to play with the knobs and I figured out they adjust the intensity. Not to mention, at this point,not only does it sound like I have a battery operated toy in my hands, but its starting to suck my stomach inward!!! Okay, so now Im afraid its going to give me a hickey or even worse my Husband is going to walk in and think I have gone mad.

After I realized it was working, I quickly un-sucked it from my gut and shoved all the parts into the bag. I closed up the machine to make it look like a purse again and threw it deep into the babys closet, never to be touched again for atleast 3 months. I was somewhat repulsed by the technology that is meant to replace what it supposed to be a bonding moment between mother and baby. I told my Husband about the encounter later on and told him I wasnt ready to feel like a farm animal just yet.... He agreed the whole idea is strange. And to think this is a for a baby that I wanted so badly... Now I am beginning to understand when my friends would tell me of the sacrifices and humiliating things you go through to become a mother. Boy oh boy, I just cant wait for child birth.... I promise to relay my innermost thoughts on that whole process, once it has occurred. But until then, I will continue to have these momentary revelations of the not-so-cute "having a baby" discoveries as we count down the last trimester of my pregnancy.


Luna-See said...

That sounds frightening and I'm now totally scared for you! Yowza!

abbyandcompany said...

okay, seriously when you are back to work stressing about who is taking care of your child and what your child is doing at the moment, hooking yourself up to a double breast pump isn't going to look or feel so bad! The medela is the best, and you will be amazed how you can eat lunch at the same time as being "hooked up". It's really so easy!

Alyson | New England Living said...

I could only breast feed my babies for a short time because the hormone that is released when the milk lets down actually caused immediate depression in me. It was like a switch. I'd automatically feel incredibly sad when I breast fed. This probably won't happen to you though because it's somewhat rare. Sorry if I caused another fear! :-)

brandeegrl said...

You have lots & lots of support available to you if/when you need it, Sister. I think breastfeeding is most successful among those who are committed to the process....because it is a process. Don't do it for any other reason (though there are a lot of them!) other than it's what YOU want to do....not what you think others want you to do ;) Trust your body, don't leave the hospital until you feel like you're on your way, and keep in mind all the calories you burn when nursing ;) And if you decide breastfeeding's not for you, then give yourself a pat on the back for trying. You'll do great no matter what you choose.