Friday, June 6, 2008

The Baby Story...

Jaxon Randall Henry is here....
Date of Birth: 06/01/08 (39week s 4days)
Original Due Date: 06/03/08
Height / Weight: 20 3/4 in. / 7 lbs. 5oz.

I woke up at 2am Sat morning, May 30th and had 4 contractions that were 30 minutes apart. Then Sat morning around 9am, I had minor cramping all day long. At about 5pm Saturday we started timing the cramping. It kept increasing from 10 to 3 minutes apart and started to get more and more intense. We left for the hospital at 8:30 pm and I had dilated to 3cm. At midnight I was admitted at 4 cm and the contractions were every 30 seconds. I got my epidural at 1am and continued to dilate to 10 cm by 10am Sunday Morning. I started to push at 10:15 and the he still had not dropped yet, so he was really high in my pelvis. The doctor said she was going to give me 3 hours to push and try to bring him down and out on my own, otherwise they wanted to get him by Cesarean. I was determined to do this on my with my Husband and both our mothers by my side, I was cheered on to push! It took me 2 1/2 hours to get him to finally crown and then the last 30 minutes I had to get him out. I did it! But that last 30 minutes I pushed like nothing else. I kept looking at the clock and was determined to get him out on my own. I did and he was born exactly 3 hours and 1 minute after I started to push. The doctor was amazed that I did it within the 3 hours. Once he came out he had the cord wrapped around his neck, so that was a little scary, but I had no idea until it was all taken care of. He didn't cry at all once he was born and had his eyes wide open and was looking at everyone who held him just an hour after his birth. It was the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life. There is nothing like giving birth to your baby and all the work was so worth it. We came home On Monday and he has taken to breastfeeding right away. We are just working on a schedule now....