Wednesday, April 30, 2008

You know you're Pregnant when...

...your Husband automatically gives you a push when you attempt to get up from bed.
...when rolling over in bed feels like a three point turn and adjusting the belly pillow is like moving traffic cones around. apply chapstick 5o times a day and your lips are still dry!
...drink 2 gallons of water and are still so thirsty you could drink the neighbors pool.
...cant hug your husband standing up for too long because reaching over each others belly's strains your back too much. can't get up and off the couch without rolling to your knees on the floor before standing up and moaning at the same time. justify everything you eat by saying "Because the Baby wants it". finally realize what Detox must be like and look forward to getting tipsy off of one Beer ;) cant eat enough Jalapenos and actually enjoy the taste of the Tums 2 hours later. presentations at work makes you so winded that co-workers fear you might be in labor!
...every morning you can still wear your wedding ring is a major achievement because you know so many pregnant women who cant do it at all.
...your Husband looks at your legs and says "Baby... your knees look Sad" : ( get winded and make several attempts to put your socks and shoes on each morning. realize your wearing prints on Maternity shirts that you wouldnt be caught dead in if you weren't pregnant. (Who makes this &%$#?)
...when you fear that once your baby bump is gone, your chest may stay so big people will mistake you as a stripper!


Alyson | New England Living said...

You poor lady! Those last few weeks are a total pain.